Mecaflu team

Numerical modeling of condensation and vaporization in turbulent flows

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Detailed subject

Download the PhD detailed offer by clicking on the following link :


Candidate profile

Potential candidates must have an engineering degree or a Master's degree and two have experience in the fields of fluid mechanics and numerical simulation.
A knowledge of Fortran programming and parallel computing will be highly appreciated.
The salary will be about 1400-1500 € net per month for 36 months.
The deadline for applications is 15 November 2013.

Thesis supervisors

Yannick Hoarau
Maître de conférence HDR à l'Université de Strasbourg ICUBE
Département de Mécanique
2 rue Boussingault

Robert Mosé
Professeur à l'ENGEES ICUBE
Département de Mécanique
2 rue Boussingault